Dr. Chevinsky will present updates on guidance around post-COVID conditions which are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience more than four weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Dr. Layden will share information on the National Month of Action to mobilize an all-of-America sprint to get of as many U.S. adults as possible at least one shot by July 4th. The focus of this month is on actions that partners, including organizations, businesses, and employers, are taking that will make it even easier to get vaccinated, mobilize the country around vaccine outreach and education efforts, and incentivize vaccination. Dr. Walker will provide updates on summer travel guidance and the importance of getting fully vaccinated before travel. Additional Resources: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/videos/community/a-call-to-mobilize/resources.pdfTranscript: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/videos/community/a-call-to-mobilize/Webinar_Audio_Transcript.docx
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