Visit St. Bernard Hospital to stay up-to-date on all your vaccinations. Our ACC Pharmacy has many vaccines available, including COVID-19 vaccines.
Walk-in vaccinations
Walk in without an appointment to the Immediate Care Clinic at the Ambulatory Care Center. Call (773) 420–1560 for more information or to make an appointment.
COVID risks are still real
Individuals who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 still stand a higher risk of COVID-19 related illness and death than any other group. For those who have been vaccinated, a booster shot revives immunity to its highest level to provide a ready defense against COVID-19. This is essential for individuals with conditions like diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions who tend to become very sick when contracting COVID-19.
What to expect during your visit
For questions or additional information, contact:
St. Bernard Hospital
Ambulatory Care Center Pharmacy
6307 S. Stewart Ave.
Chicago, IL 60621
Hotline: (773) 420–1560
Email: [email protected]