(773) 962-3900
New Patient Portal

Welcome to

An interactive web portal that empowers all St. Bernard Hospital patients and their families to take a more active role in their care by providing easy, secure access to health information and online communication with St. Bernard staff. All of the information in mySBHealthRecord comes from your St. Bernard Hospital electronic health record. This ensures that you have access to the most accurate, up-to-date information possible.

To manually request your Medical Records click on the document link below to access the consent form.

Authorization to Release Medical Records - 2020


mySBHealthRecord allows you to:

  • View laboratory and radiology results
  • Find a list of current medications and allergies
  • Request appointments and track visit history
  • Update personal information

In addition to handling your own care, parents and healthcare proxies with authorized consent will appreciate the ability to access the records of those individuals for whom they manage care.

St. Bernard Hospital believes that mySBHealthRecord is a valuable tool for patients and their families to actively participate in their care, which contributes to better health.

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